
The latest from my work through Soccer Without Borders in Uganda

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Simple Happiness

If there is one thing that life in Uganda gives your plenty of, it's 'time to think'. I've been taking advantage of that, and I am starting to think that the best way to enjoy life is by looking forward to the little things that you like to do throughout the day. Maybe it's just having a fresh cup of coffee in the morning before the day begins. Maybe it's listening to a song that always puts you in a good mood on the ride to work. Or finishing the sudoku out of the newspaper. Or laying in the sun for a little while to soak in the warmth. Or sitting down with your family to watch TV together.

One of the reasons so many people are unhappy with their daily lives is because they don't set up their days to include these simple little things. Honestly, taking the time to enjoy the simple things around here has been one of the most rewarding parts of life here so far.

On a more serious note: Can someone enlighten me on how the Packers lost to the Bears?


  1. Hey Adam,
    We are trying to figure that one out ourselves!!!
    Glad to see that you are having a wonderful experience in Uganda. Your posts are great; love to read them.
    Cheers, Mrs. S.

  2. Go Bears!

    Hope all is well! We are enjoying your Blog, and sounds like you are really learning and growing from your experiences so far!

    Hollie and Matt
